Saturday 6 November 2010

Audience Research

For my audience research, I did a survey involving 20 people of different ages (around 17-30) and interests. I told them a rough idea of what our film was about before asking them their view on it.

"It's about a boy who's asked to a party by a girl, along with his three friends. However we find out at the end of the film that they are imaginary which comes as a surprise."

I then turned the results into a web chart. The survey contained three factors which made it a quick and simple way people could fill out their opinions. These were:

Plot- If they think that the story's narative and events sound interesting
"The boy Alex sits in the cafe with his 3 friends. They spot some girls sitting across the cafe, and his friends pursuade him to approach the girls. One of the girls asks him to a party and he reluctantly says yes. In the street later he sees his friend Tyreece. Talking, he realises he is also going to the party. At home that evening, Alex is trying to get ready for the party. His 3 friends are battering the door to come in, which makes Alex angry. He shouts at the friends fir making his room a mess. His friend Tyreece hears and enquires who he is shouting at. This is where it is revealed that his 3 friends are imaginary."

Theme- If our theme of isolation appeals to the audience
"The isolation in this film is based on the fact that his imagination makes him falsely believe he has these friends when he doesn't. It's isolation because we find that he is more alone than we think due to the end scene."

Relevance- How relevant the film's content is to their lives
"I explained relevance to be something they have possibly imagined or any situation with friends similar to the ones in the film"

This is the chart showing the most average results:
Plot- 10
Relevance- 5
Theme- 8

From the results, it shows that many people thought that the plot was very interesting although it did not really sound relevant to their lifestyles as many people do not live in isolation. Many people did like our theme and thought it worked well with the story. The results are very postitive and everyone seemed to like the idea of our film.

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